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16 years ago
i have already installed WAMP5 for quite a while but i would like to upgrade it to the latest version, how do i remove the old version, uninstalled it and go to the register key of my window XP? thank you in advance for any suggestion
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
i have set up my LAN and set allow for the computer to go to the site, however , the webpage is denied to show due to the requirement to log in. Can someone know what is happening ? thank you in advance
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I have tried the way you taught me , it works under localhost:81/index.php.However, when i tried to type in my web ip instead of localhost ,it did not work . Why is that ?
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
On my server configuration page of WAMP homepage. I can see two directory which is: phpsysadmin and SQLlite under ALIAS, but there is no directory under MY PROJECT. However, i have create some php files in the www directory in WAMP and it works under the Why is that happen? Can someone help me with that? thank you very much in advance.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
i would like to install the WAMP5 in my computer , however , i don't know how much memory i need for the installation, thank you in advance for the help if any.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Hi there: I have sent up all the file and ready to publish my site. However, i did not know how to put it up on the web as i type my web ip , my browser keep uploading but it never come out. How should i fix it, thanks in advance
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I could not set up my mail server , as i am using window system and i am using DSL.The default setting in php.ini is MTP = local host send mail from = How can i fix this problem, thanks in advance
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Hi there: I try to access phpMyadmin, but it give me an errror message stating that Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) . What should i do ?
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Hi there: After I have install WAMP5 , i test it using HTML, it work.However, when i combine them with PHP ,it turn out a blank page. it is clear to me that the php parser did not work. Can anyone tell me why and how to fix this problem, thank in advance
Forum: WampServer English
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