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10 years ago
Please, what sort of time (are you UK? I am 1 hour later, so basically, anytime is good)
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Upped the error level on httpd, and go this (but it all looks ok to me) Sun Aug 03 23:14:14.848859 2014] AH00422: Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server. child.c(731): AH00348: Child: Accept thread exiting. child.c(1132): AH00357: Child: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending. child.c(731): AH00348: Child: Accept thread exiting. child.c(1189): AH00
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Nothing, absolutely blank.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I have changed one program, so that all it is, is <?php echo 432; die("123" After running for about 25 seconds, the error message popup appears, and the script continues to attempt to load for another 25 seconds, before giving up.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Spoke too soon! *** Start Wampserver *** AH00455: Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) PHP/5.5.12 configured -- resuming normal operations AH00456: Apache Lounge VC11 Server built: Mar 16 2014 12:13:13 AH00094: Command line: 'c:\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\apache2.4.9\\bin\\httpd.exe -d C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9' AH00418: Parent: Created child process 4588 AH00354: Child: Starting 64 worker
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Creo que tiene que decirnos qué archivo contiene el error. Por favor, publique la mensaje de error en su totalidad You need to tell us which file contains the error. Please tell us the complete error message.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
When you import the data from a sql file, the data is added to the database. The file is not kept in phpmyadmin, it is just read in - but you should be able to see the data in the database If this doesn't answer your question, please explain what file you are trying to open
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Thanks for your help. We missed the fact the .htaccess contained RewriteEngine On in most sites, and I had left Apache rewrite_module off, but once I corrected that, everything that I have tested is working fine.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Should have said - re time - planning to go out this evening, but willing to skip it. Otherwise any time.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Thanks for the offer, it would be appreciated. I am English, currently located in Spain, so at GMT+2 (Central European Summer Time). How do I send you the ID and Password?
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Don't know if this helps - in Spanish, but happy to provide a translation if required, Firma del problema Nombre de evento de problema: APPCRASH Nombre de la aplicación: httpd.exe Versión de la aplicación: Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 532585f0 Nombre del módulo con errores: php_xdebug-2.2.5-5.5-vc11.dll Versión del módulo con errores: Marca de tiempo del módulo con
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
localhost:80 doesn't work either. I am wondering if it is permissions. But if so, why do I keep getting ""Apache HTTP Server has stopped functioning and has closed" pop up?
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I have just updated to the latest version of Wampserver... Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.6.17, with a copy of 5.1.41 containing the old databases, and PHP 5.5.12. Previously I was on Apache 2.2.8, MySQL 5.1.41, and PHP 5.2.6 This with Wampserver 2.5 on Vista SP2. I was trying to get this to work yesterday, but ended up so confused, that I re-installed from scratch, the only amendment is moving t
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Thanks, that makes sense
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I will take a look at this. Can you tell my why what I did was wrong? I opened Wampserver this morning, and it wasn't working, so I have ended up re-installing everthing. I am about to post for help in a new thread, as it isn't the same problem
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Found it! So I will put the answer here in case it helps someone else <Directory /> # AllowOverride none # Require all granted Options All AllowOverride All </Directory>
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I have just updated to the latest version of Wampserver... Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.6.17, with a copy of 5.1.41 containing the old databases, and PHP 5.5.12. Previously I was on Apache 2.2.8, MySQL 5.1.41, and PHP 5.2.6 This with Wampserver 2.5 on Vista SP2. Everything works - except the .htaccess rewrites. They just return 404s (as I would expect, if the rewrites were not in place) I
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I use XP, and have no knowledge of Vista - but perhaps this will help. On my setup, the simplest thing to do would be edit C:\wamp\launch_wampserver.bat and remove or rem out the line NET START wampmysqld This would make Wamp start with just Apache, and for me, makes it easier to handle. Then I have the other version of MySQL installed, so that I can switch it on or off manually, by Control Pa
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Which config file?
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Ooops - I had something wrong in my test code! Install two (or more) versions of MySQL, using different names for the services, and only 'start' the service that you want. It works!
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I am sorry, are you saying "it is possible", or "the instructions are here", because I checked the pages in your links, and couldn't see it. I simply need to know how to set up MySQL so that I can switch between versions - at present, I can only see the version "originally" installed under Wamp.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I have a setup of Wamp, running PHP5 and MySQL5, However, I now have a client who uses MySQL 4.1.20, and some of the queries don't work. I tried installing the older version of MySQL, starting the MySQL 4 service, and only starting the WAMP Apache, but the database just didn't respond. Is there a way to use both versions (obviously, not at once) of MySQL?
Forum: WampServer English
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