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1 year ago
Otomatic, Thank you for your assistance. It turns out I was doing exactly as you described and as your links pointed out but had an error relating to my databases that was unrelated to my query i.e. I was fishing up the wrong stream. Sorry for having troubled you. Best, John
Forum: WampServer English
1 year ago
All very fine for you to say there's no problem but would you be so kind, if you can, as to fill in the following with an example bearing in mind Wamp being on c: drive on one disk and document root being on F: drive on a secondary disk: DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/"> Place your answer here:
Forum: WampServer English
1 year ago
My secondary drive is F: What would I need to put here to solve my issue: DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/"> Simple, I'm sure, but everything I've tried has not worked. Any assistance here would certainly be appreciated. Thanks, John
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Ok. Thanks Otomatic. I appreciate your efforts here. Best!
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Have you given up? I'm new at this and stuck. Any help will be appreciated. Seems like I'm going around in circles and hoped someone with experience could help.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
What 'additions' are you referring to? Too much content i.e. too many sites? I'm a little confused. First of all, I've already did a repair to all tables in my 'attentat' site. Second, the table referred to in the mysql.log is for another site, not attentat but for wpmrsport which isn't even in my database as I dropped all sites and their tables but attentat. The only tables in my db are atten
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
I just noticed on my sql.log I have the following: 2020-07-25T13:45:17.520268Z 12 InnoDB: Cannot open table jprincedb/wpmrsport_yoast_primary_term from the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the .frm file for the table exists. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue. This is in addition to the previous error message I already sent you before: PHP Notice: Undefined index: Se
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
No, is fine as are my other localhost sites on the httpd-vhosts.conf file I sent you. Its strictly my 'attentat' site. I can access the front end with no problem but not the backend. When I try the backend I get the 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.' error message. At one point the message went away replaced by the 403 Forbidden message, but then returned again after rebooting the
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Checked or unchecked I still get the same error message i.e. Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
It was unchecked already.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
# Virtual Hosts # wamp <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin ServerName localhost ServerAlias ErrorLog "logs/localhost-error.log" CustomLog "logs/localhost-access.log" common DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www"
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Damn. Did all as suggested and STILL have the same problem. What next?
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Hello, On my localhost site I get the following error message: 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.' In my php error log I have the following: PHP Notice: Undefined index: ServerName in C:\wamp64\scripts\wampserver.lib.php on line 558.The same message for line 559. 558: $SerName = $virtualHost['Server'][$key]['ServerName']; 559: $DocRoot = $virtualHost['Server'][$key]['Do
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Ok, gotcha.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Nothing was recommended regarding right-click -> Help -> MariaDB - MySQL. You sure you are responding to the right post? Besides, MariaDB is not my problem.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Further to my problem here are the error logs I have in php and mysql respectively. [18-Jul-2020 13:59:46 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught WC_Data_Exception: Invalid billing email address in F:\Sites\mr-sport\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\includes\abstracts\abstract-wc-data.php:810 Stack trace: #0 F:\Sites\mr-sport\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\includes\class-wc-customer.php(971): WC_Data-&
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Yes, the virtual host was created before I did the fresh wp install as I had problems with the old one that I could not resolve. And I did change the options table to reflect the new url i.e. mr-sport, rather than localhost/mr-sport.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Did a complete fresh wp install on localhost. Then used my all-in-one-migration plugin to transfer my online site to localhost and got the following error messages.... Fatal error: Uncaught WC_Data_Exception: Invalid billing email address in F:\Sites\mr-sport\wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\includes\abstracts\abstract-wc-data.php on line 810 ( ! ) WC_Data_Exception: Invalid billing email addr
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Here you go, thanks for helping.. # Virtual Hosts # <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost ServerAlias localhost DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/"> Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Require local </Directory> </VirtualHost> # <VirtualH
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Hi, thanks for answering. I have an index.php file in c:/wamp64/www/. But I also have one on F:/Sites/ where my virtual host sites are stored.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Suddenly I'm getting 'Index of /' instead of wampserver localhost page or any of my virtual host pages.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Can't verify and repair when the table isn't there? There is no actionscheduler_actions table.
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Back again with another one. Can't get into the backend of my localhost site because of these error messages. I'm guessing, I need to create the missing table and fill it with what I don't know? Help here would be appreciated. Thanks. ( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Error saving action: Table 'jprincedb.wpmrsport_actionscheduler_actions' doesn't exist in C:\wamp64\www\mr-sport\
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
I found my mistake. Changed the following and now everything works. Thank you so much for your help. It is very much appreciated. DocumentRoot "F:/Sites/" <Directory "F:/Sites/">. Sincerely, John
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
This is what I have installed per your instructions, followed by the error message I got from Apache. <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/"> to DocumentRoot "F:/Sites/" <Directory "F:/Sites/">. # Virtual Hosts # <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost ServerAlias localhost DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" <Directory &qu
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Did as instructed only to now get 2 out of 3 services running (no green light)?
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Went to httpd.conf and changed DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/"> to DocumentRoot "F:/Sites/" <Directory "F:/Sites/">. Then I went to httpd-vhosts.conf and entered the following: # Virtual Hosts # <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost ServerAlias localhost DocumentRoot "F:/Sites/"
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Thanks for answering and for the helpful links but still dealing with the error messages that I have no answer for...not even what the messages are saying or most importantly what they want me to do?
Forum: WampServer English
4 years ago
Working on a localhost site with a fresh install of WAMP64. Changed c:/wamp64/www to F:/Sites/ and now have the following errors that I can't make heads or tails of.... Warning: require(../scripts/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in F:\Sites\add_vhost.php on line 10 and Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '../scripts/' (include_p
Forum: WampServer English
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