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6 years ago
if i run httpd.exe, it will start and window remains. if i run httpd.exe -k xxx it will start and stop, window closed
Forum: WampServer English
6 years ago
Thanks But i don't find another installed Apache, and after i shut down all existing httpd.exe in service and install apache again and try to start, new service still can not be started.
Forum: WampServer English
6 years ago
I installed Wampserver 3.0.6 on Windows10, and it show orange icon when i run the wampserver and apache service can not start, mysql service is started. BUT, when i click "Remove Service" in Apache, apache service is STARTED. and now i can see httpd.exe in service list. Can anyone help to comment what is the problem? 1. Visual C++ Packages is correctly installed 2. 80 is not us
Forum: WampServer English
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