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16 years ago
Sorry, I really was an idiot. I already wrote what was the problem, and I didn't even notice it. "my original one was working before installing WAMP - I used Apache/MySQL/Php manually installed" Yeah, before it had a different path for files. When I moved to WAMP, I changed about all path's BUT THAT ONE!!!! I'm really angry with myself. Solution was that easy, and I thought it was har
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Some news.. I continued with testing, and it seems it's everything ok with permissions. I ran this script: <?php $ourFileName = "C:\\wamp\\tmp\\testFile.txt"; $ourFileHandle = fopen($ourFileName, 'w') or die("can't open file" fclose($ourFileHandle); ?> File was written correctly in that folder. So, I should have correct permissions. So, what's the problem? Script shoul
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
Hello, I already checked all messages in this forum about "upload problems" but still I didn't manage to solve my problem. WAMP5 version: 1.6.6 PHP version: 5.2.0 Apache version: 2.0.59 I cannot upload files to the temp folder. I already checked every php.ini, settings are ok: file_uploads = On upload_tmp_dir = "c:/wamp/tmp" upload_max_filesize = 2M My OS is Microsoft Wi
Forum: WampServer English
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