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5 years ago
When is the latest version of Wampserver released, can you update the LOGO design?
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
Ok, your answer has answered my question and it is faster to download in China. downloadˈdounˌlōd download 的翻译 动词频率 下载 download download的定义 动词 1 copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet. it would be wise to download your program to another computer before testing it 同义词: loadcopytransferupload 名词 1 the act or process of downloading data. a downl
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
the software released, and the download address link can be released in the forum. Can't visit www in China
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
Have you fixed this BUG without updating the software
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
When I click on the software icon, the menu pops up.The text at the top of the menu is garbled It doesn't matter, but it's weird
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
7 years ago
Is the PATH_INFO Apaache provided to PHP data wrong
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
this is print_r($_SERVER); results REQUEST_RUI AND REDIRECT_URL It's right! => /cha/情.html => CGI/1.1 => HTTP/1.1 => GET => => /cha/%E6%83%85.html => /index.php => /cha/�� => redirect:\index.php\cha\��\�� => /index.php/cha/�� => 1483757149.329 => 1483757149
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I modified the file #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 PHP can accept to � Is this the new version of Apache BUG?
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymlinks -Multiviews RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 </IfModule> this is my .htaccess file If a problem cannot be executed to PHP, that obviously is a problem of Apache related rules. Whether can modify this file to solve the prob
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
Code is the same, I have two servers, one using the old version wamp: no problem Use a new wamp, appear this problem I now if fall back to the old version of the wamp again want to be a trouble
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
Why am I in the old version of the Wamp no such problems? Is a set of PHP program with the same
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I use mod_rewrite module, some characters will not run into your PHP application, tip 404 directly For example This URL is normal: (Chinese, the meaning of music) This URL is wrong: (Chinese, the meaning of travel) The next link appeared Not Found 404 form Apache/2.4.23 =================================================== Obviously, my PHP is certainly not wrong, becau
Forum: WampServer English
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