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7 years ago
Trying to get a picture to appear on screen, resized to a width 128. echo '<img src="image.php?img_url=<?=base_64_encode("'.$path.$match["photoname"].'"?>&width=128'> I get no errors, but no picture appears either This one works albeit not resized. echo '<img src="'.$path.$match["photoname"].'" />'; VMT
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I have the following to display an image full size, and it works well. echo '<img src="'.$path.$match["photoname"].'" />'; I also have a function that resizes an image, that come up with no errors. The function is: function resize_image($file, $w, $h, $crop=FALSE) { and it returns data as follows $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); $dst = imagecreatetru
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
When I echo the full path and filename, I don't have localhost echo $imgurl.$fname; G:/wamp/www/images/mum.jpg
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I have /wamp/www/images, the file is in there. (I had tried it initially in a separate directory of the hard drive, and it did not work there either. when I type , the correct photo shows on the screen.
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
Yes, sorry I realised that as I posted it, I changed my code but no difference.
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I have a database that holds the path to the photo and also the filename, I want to display the image on the screen, try as I might I cannot get this to work. I have simplified it, but still cant get it to work. Once I have the simple version working, I can do it properly $imgurl = "G:wamp/www/images/"; $name = "mum.jpg"; echo '<img src="'.$imgurl.$name.'" /&
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
Just to add the URL states: 'http://localhost/G:/wamp/www/test/get-files-fm-dir.php' thanks
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I had this working before but when I upgraded to W10, I cant get it to work: Essentially I want to run PHP files direct from Notepad++, I accept it may be more of a Notepad++ question, apologies for that I have modified the user/appdat/notepad++ file as below Shortcuts.xml <Command name="Launch in Firefox" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key=&quo
Forum: WampServer English
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