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7 years ago
I know this. I exported the hosters MySQL in a file and reimport it into my local Mysql. I add the user and pass same then the hosters Mysql account. I just have to change the to localhost in the wp-config file. So i ask, is it possible to route the access from wordpress to localhst? So nothing whould needed to be changed?
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
I know, that i have to adjust the wp-config file. But it whould be easier, to forward the MySQL Server. Then i have to do no changes and no fault be happen.
Forum: WampServer English
7 years ago
Hello, Wamp is running on a Windows 7 with Vhosts and all, whitout any problem. But Wordpress access an MySQL server like 0815.mydb.com_3306 How can i forward this to localhost:3306? Best regards, Karuse
Forum: WampServer English
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