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8 years ago
I had seen that post when I was trying to fix my problem but I did not read down to the part were he said there had been problems with OpenSSL and how he solved them. I was skimming so much stuff looking for a clue. Ended up using this one Since my previous reply I managed to install Wampserver on my old Win7 desktop upgraded to Win10. Wampserver in that install did not create the symboli
Forum: WampServer English
8 years ago
I am struggling with this. First of all thank you for the link to your article. I have used it before, it was my primary reference when I first started implementing SSL in Wampserver. The problem now is I cannot even get that far. OpenSSL will not run. When I look in the bin folder under apache2.4.17 I see symbolic links to the OpenSSL dlls in a PHP specific folder. I assume (never a great
Forum: WampServer English
8 years ago
I have installed wampserver3_x64_apache2.4.17_mysql5.7.9_php5.6.16_php7.0.0 on my windows 10 machine and seem to be having trouble with OpenSSL. 1) I am unable to modify httpd.conf to allow SSL and restart the server. Wampserver icon remans yellow. So I comment out the three lines and Wampserver starts fine. 2) I added an environment variable OPENSSL_CONF that points to the configuration file
Forum: WampServer English
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