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1 year ago
Hello Mr. Otomatic. I try as you write, but the part with SC delete commands doesn't work well. It show me message bellow, so I try find another way. " OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service. " I try to run uninstall_services.bat as administrator from WAMP folder and all services was succesfully uninstalled. Than as you w
Forum: WampServer English
1 year ago
Hello. Can someone help me with restoring database? I had instaled some older WAMP on my Windows 10. I just install into different folder newer WAMP 3.2.6 for PHP8. I thought I had database backup, but I can't find it and now I can't see any older database except default new one in PHPMyAdmin. Is there any way, how to correctly restore old databases from older WAMP? Later I fo
Forum: WampServer English
8 years ago
Hello, thank you for the help. I set the the old disc letter back and all paths back and it seems it's work well. I forgot to write it "PhpForApach.ini" here cause I change many files with paths. It's really imposibble to change all paths ?
Forum: WampServer English
8 years ago
Hello, can I have question about absolute paths in Wamp manager ? I change the disk part letter, but the wamp manager strictly depend on it and I forget to save actual database. I try to change all absolute paths in: wamp/alias/*all_conf_files wamp/bin/apache/apache_version/conf/httpd.conf wamp/bin/apache/apache_version/conf/extra/httpd-vhost.conf wamp/bin/php/php_version/php.i
Forum: WampServer English
8 years ago
Hello Mr.Otomatic, I was trying to try PHP7.0.0RC8 on WAMP2.5.1.18, but it doesn't work (PHP7.0.0RC7 works well). I see that there is a problem with structure of extension folder, the structure of it is totaly different. Also the test write that Apache 2.4.9 is not compatibile with PHP7.0.0RC8. or maybe I just did sommething wrong, but I spend a day with that and it's impossible to succefully l
Forum: WampServer English
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