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9 years ago
>and, in the configuration file for access to MySQL, use instead of localhost for host. Where do I find this settings?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Do I need WAMP 2.5 to be able to create a Virtual Host? And would it affect the speed the loading time of my projects?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
As to add to the title, when I load localhost on any browser, nevertheless of its version it takes too much time to load as well as all the pages in the project. Any help? Technicalities: -Windows 7, 32Bit Operating System -WAMP 32Bit/v2.4 -Apache v2.4.4 -MySQL v5.6.12 -PHP v5.4.16 -**WAMP Manager Icon is GREEN -**I do have a HOST file on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc **of course
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Far as I know, global variables are still working yet some institutions re recommending to avoid using it in the future. For your problem, have you tried assigning your POST data first before calling them? IE: <php $name=$_POST['name']; $email=$_POST['email']; echo "Welcome ".$name."<br>"; echo "Your email address is: ". $email; ?>
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Are you going to use this as it is or with the WAMP server as your backend? If you are going to use this without a backend(Database) to store and retrieve your date, you can use the super global variable $_SESSION. You will going to need to create a new .php page where your will be redirected and set your data from your textboxes on the Session variable.: IE (note that you have to start SESSI
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I had WAMP services restarted; did not fixed it. Restarting the PC solved it. Increasing max_input_vars, post_max_size, & memory_limit solved it. Thank you for directing me in the right idea/solution, it is awesome to experince this forums and be helped by people without 'downvoting' the question for technicalities/upvotes.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Yes I did change it using that process. Can I send you a sample of my files for you to be able to personally see it?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Still sending the Undefined index, I am printing all the variables in the '$_POST' method and after the 710th textbox, it is undefined. Does a browser also has this setting too? Maximum post values?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I am using Wamp 2.4, and I can't find 'max_input_vars' in it, can I just add it and where should I?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I have a PHP file that has a form that is supposed to be sending 1060 entries (from 1060 textboxes) to a PHP file which will then add them in a database. But from the 711th textbox to the 1060th, it doesn't retrieve anything and sends me the Undefined index SQL error. The 1060 textboxes basically has the same codes except for some numbers are changed. Is there a limit on the number of textboxes t
Forum: WampServer English
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