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9 years ago
OK, so, I have my WordPress Multisite setup as sub-directories. As it says in the WordPress Manual 'It's easier' I've also seen comments to the effect that sub-directory configurations get better google ratings, however, I can't prove this myself. The reason I'm investigating multisite is to reduce administration time. Since neither of my current hosting accounts support multisite, I
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
OK, RiggsFolly, I'll take my medicine and get back to you. You've helped me get this far.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
In the browser it shows a sub-directory in the address, however, there is no actual sub-directory there. I guess mod_rewrite is doing the re-direction, right? Does this mean it is doing a subdomain?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I think it's a sub-domain, however, I don't know the difference. Maybe you could describe the difference? Here's how it's setup: I created a WAMPServer Virual site which points to x:\mywpmultisite. I then open phpmyadmin and create a new MySQL database. Then, from File Manager, I right-click on a directory (x:\mywordpressmulti), then left-click on SVN checkout... I enter ....\tags\4.1
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thanks, RiggsFolly, That was it! At least half of it. The other issue was using caps in my sub-directories and not my Virtual host names; Oops! You are a god! Really, though, thanks alot. Multisite is running flawlessly, now.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thanks, RiggsFolly, No, my httpd-vhost.conf file only has my virtual hosts, and they all work until I get fairly far along in enabling multisite, then all my Virtual hosts fail to work. Then, as soon as I delete the specific WordPress installation directory where I'm setting up multisite, all my Virtual Hosts come back to full functionality. Do you know what the following error means?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
When I turn on rewrite_module in apache, I get the following in the Apache Error log: AH01630: client denied by server configuration: C:/Apache24, referer: AH00670: Options FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch are both off, so the RewriteRule directive is also forbidden due to its similar ability to circumvent directory restrictions : E:/AAJWsWPMultiSiteNetwork/src/wp-admin Her
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thanks, RiggsFolly, Yes, I follow you. Your helping my accelerate my installs... I have 32 bit and 64 bit both up and running now on Windows 8.1. Yeah!!!!! I guess the real test is when I get my full WEBSites up....which I think I'm close. Oops, I still need to get virtual hosts configured on 32 bit, but this should be no problem.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Is it OK to put softlinks pointing the 64 bit versions of mysql/data directories to the 32 bit versions of these? It seems like this would reduce the maintenance of databases in half.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thank-you again, Sir RiggsFolly, That was it! I dropped that step from my MySQL upgrade instructions.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I just updated MySQL from 5.6.21 to 5.6.22. phpMyAdmin has a red circle with black X beside Server connection collation. There's also a red circle with a question mark left of the banner, where is says Server: mysql.wampserver What does this mean....I suspect something's not right, but don't know what? Setup Information: 1 - Windows 8.1 Professional - 64 bit 2 - WAMPServer Version
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thanks, RiggsFolly, You hit my next question right on the head (installing 32 bit version into c:/wamp32). If the install instructions recommended c:/wamp32 or c:/wamp64 as default (maybe I just missed it) for the 32 bit or 64 bit respectively, this might avert a few support questions. But, thanks, I appreciate this answer before I asked it!
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
OK, I see the answer to my question, thanks! It's been asked before. I'm sure. Sorry
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
If I have WAMPServer 64 bit installed and I want to run WAMPServer 32 bit, do I need to uninstall the 64 bit version first?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Perfect, Thanks, Otomatic! I know this is probably listed somewhere, but I was getting frustrated finding it.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I have WAMPServer 2.5 running, or I think so. The Icon is green and I'm able to run php files, bring up phpMyAdmin and run MySQL queries, such as CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, populate said databases with mysqldump files, etc. Setup Information: 1 - Windows 8.1 Professional - 64 bit 2 - WAMPServer Version 2.5 - 64 bit 3 - Apache Version 2.4.9 4 - PHP Version 5.5.12 5 - MySQL Versio
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Thanks again RiggsFolly, I couldn't help myself; I downloaded Link Shell Extension and put Symbolic links for all my ServerNames to c:/wamp/www. This is for the purpose of me remembering I have nothing left to configure here. If I left these out, I might find myself researching how this works again. I know, My Project links are not something I have to use, but if I do, it's comforting to kn
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I had ;WAMPPROJECTSUBMENU first, then ;WAMPVHOSTSUBMENU. I put ;WAMPVHOSTSUBMENU first. But, it did the same thing when I click on the 'project' project1. But, I've found the problem, with your help. I was trying to access a project, under the c:/wamp/www directory, that did not also have a definition as a Virtual Host. I will know now not to do that. Thanks, again, RiggsFolly!
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
My Virtual Host links are all working as well as I can understand they should. However, My Projects links now send me to a search engine which searches for the directory name. Huh? What have I done wrong? Should I comment out the ;WAMPPROJECTSUBMENU in my wampmanager.tpl file? I've noticed commenting it as follows works: ;; WAMPPROJECTSUBMENU
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Even though I can view and navigate the directory structures, I get the following message in my error.log: AH01630: client denied by server configuration: C:/Apache24, referer: Should I be concerned about this?
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Oh, your comment about the manual... I did look at the Apache manual, however, after spending a couple hours, could not find this one, and therefore, really appreciate your help. The boredom you suffer in helping us newbies is a god-send!
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Yes, Yes, Thank-you! You are my savior, RiggsFolly.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Here is my http-vhosts.conf contents: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www" ServerName localhost ServerAlias localhost <Directory "c:/wamp/www"> AllowOverride All Require local </Directory> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "e:/x/y/project2" ServerName p
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Setup Information: 1 - Windows 8.1 Professional - 64 bit 2 - WAMPServer Version 2.5 - 64 bit 3 - Apache Version 2.4.9 4 - PHP Version 5.5.12 4a - phpMyAdmin Version 4.3.10 5 - MySQL Version 5.5.32 6 - WampServer icon is Green
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Can't view file listing from My Virtual Hosts: When configured as a project, for example project1 located at c:/wamp/www /project1, if a valid index.php file did not exist here, I could see a directory listing. I could also double click on one of the directories and it would take me there. If I place a valid index.php file in the location pointed to by VirtualHost definition in http-vhosts.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
More... Some success: I re-installed MySQL5.5.32. This time I did NOT copy the data directory contents from mysql5.6.17 over the top of the data directory in 5.5.32. I copied the wampserver.conf file from ...mysql5.6.17 to ...mysql5.5.32 I then removed the password from ...phpmyadmin4.3.9/ I then did a WAMPServer refresh, which revealed the newly installed
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
More... Received the following messages in event viewer: Level Source Event ID Detail Information MySQL 100 Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled Error MySQL 100 Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. Error MySQL 100 Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed Error MySQL 100
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Setup Information: 1 - Windows 8.1 Professional - 64 bit 2 - WAMPServer Version 2.5 - 64 bit 3 - Apache Version 2.4.9 4 - PHP Version 5.5.12 4a - phpMyAdmin Version 4.3.9 5 - MySQL Version 5.5.40 6 - WampServer icon is Orange wampmanager.conf (in c:/wamp/) mysqlVersion = "5.5.40&q
Forum: WampServer English
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