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10 years ago
Hi There, Thanks so much, at least there someone out there in cyberspace ..I was getting a bit lonely for a minute. 1: WAMP Server is the application that I have installed (which I believe consists of Windows, Apache. MySql and PHP). 2: I am supposed to type in into my browser to find XAMPP for windows vers 1.8.1 and php 5.4.7 control panel. 3: I have checked my status and know
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Hi there, I'm recently new to PHP/Mysql and am trying to set up a MySql database locally (on my pc) using WAMP server. Everything seems to be running as it should i.e. I can access localhost/xampp. I would like to test my testmysql.php file just to make sure everything really is ok, but when I save the details to the following:- 'localhost','root','' in my Notepad++ the file does not see
Forum: WampServer English
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