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9 years ago
Is this something I need to initiate or does it happen automatically? Because the "W" has been yellow for a while and I did make sure it was MySQL that was causing it.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Windows 7 - 64 MySQL 5.6.17
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Last night the power went out while we were out at dinner and when it came back on and I tried to launch Wamp it kept on coming up with errors (below) when MySQL would try to start up. How do I recover files in the database? How do I prevent this in the future? 2015-04-18 12:11:47 5296 InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally! 2015-04-18 12:11:47 5296 InnoDB: Starting crash recovery. 20
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I think I fixed it. The problem was a corrupt part of a database that I guess was preventing MYSQL from opening? For people who might have this problem in the future and have stumbled upon this post, what I did was I followed Riggs' (thanks Riggs) directions to identify that MYSQL was the service that wasn't starting. Then I combed through the log and found the file that was corrupt. I then s
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Windows 7 Wampserver 2.4 Apache 2.4.4 PHP 5.4.12 MYSQL 5.6.12 Yesterday for some reason it randomly disconnected twice and turned orange. I'd restart all services and after a minute or two it'd start back up. But this morning for some reason it turned orange and stayed orange. It was working just fine for a month or so and just started giving me problems out of the blue. I tried restart
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I figured it out. For anyone else who was having trouble with the commands, I typed the following in after logging in without the password: SET PASSWORD FOR 'abe'@'host_name' = PASSWORD('eagle'); Of course I had to put my own information in where it says abe, host_name and eagle.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
I uninstalled MySQL from my system and installed WAMP to use its built in MySQL but I can't figure out how to set the password. When I first open the console it asks for my password. I just press enter and it works. Now how do I set the password?
Forum: WampServer English
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