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10 years ago
Hey @RiggsFolly, Nice post... However, and correct me if I'm wrong, one thing Wampserver does is to copy certain files from the selected php folder to the Apache bin folder when you change the php or Apache versions. (the $phpDllToCopy array in contains libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) If this is the case, then you will need to ensure you have a latest php installed as well or
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Phew... I'm glad you see what I was doing... Hadn't thought of adding the vc version, not a bad idea The interesting thing is that Apache 2.4.6 (vc11) supports php vc11 and vc10 builds (and maybe vc9 as well, not sure). Also, I did't have to edit *any* of the scripts. (not counting onlineOffline.php which I changed to use PHP_EOL when investigating the on/off line issue)
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
stevenmartin99 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think Riggs is right tho > > There is no need to have z in x.y.z as the dll > will only ever need to match y As I said, it's all to do with preventing loading Apache 2.4.4 and Php 5.5.3. If I used 2.4, then I could attempt to load Apache 2.4.4 and 5.5.3 which are not compatible because Apache 2
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Hi RiggsFolly, Actually there were No typo's. Adding the third digit as in [2.4.6] is how the tray menu prevents you from trying to load Apache 2.4.4 with php 5.5.3 which does not work. I understand your point re Apache 2.2 and php 5.3, but I'm using either of those. Don't get me wrong I love WAMPServer and appreciate all the work you guys have done, But I really wanted to keep my W
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Nice one RiggsFolly, Seems I have more tweaks to make appreciate you efforts, very comprehensive.
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
It seems confusing when you read RiggsFolly's instructions, but I concur with what he says I recently had to upgrade my PC which was running wamp 1! Took a bit of figuring out but I now have the following options: Apache: 2.2.4, 2.4.4 & 2.4.6 PHP 5.2.4, 5.4.16, 5.4.19 and 5.5.3 MySQL 5.0.45 and 5.6.12 It takes 2 "hops" to go from php 5.2.4 (from wamp1) to 5.5.3 with
Forum: WampServer English
10 years ago
Just an FYI for anyone else with this issue. The script that changes the mode does not work because there is one extra space in the resulting http.conf file. As mentioned, you can change it manually, but if you don't format it correctly you won't be able to swap back again... Check the scripts\onlineOffline.php file and you will see the $onlineText and $offlineText variables. See how man
Forum: WampServer English
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