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5 years ago
Thanks Otomatic that is exactly what I needed to know.
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
Apachelounge doesn't have any information on an Apache version 2.4.38a (note the 'a' in the versioning). Is this simply a typo on the wampserver page for the Apache version?
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
What is the difference in the 64-bit versions of Apache 2.4.38a and Apache 2.4.38 listed on the Secondary Repository of Wampserver Files website?
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
I don't think that a missing module is causing the issue. Here is a list of modules that I am loading in my httpd.conf: LoadModule access_compat_module modules/ LoadModule actions_module modules/ LoadModule alias_module modules/ LoadModule allowmethods_module modules/ LoadModule asis_module modules/ LoadModule au
Forum: WampServer English
5 years ago
I am using Wamp64 version 3.1.4 and had ssl working fine with apache 2.4.34. I also updated the VC2017 (32bit and 64bit). I updated php to 7.2.12, mysql to 5.7.24, and apache to 2.4.37. I then enabled the ssl mod for apache in the httpd.conf and made sure the httpd_ssl.conf had the correct paths to the certificates. Unfortunately apache fails to load and generates no error log. When
Forum: WampServer English
6 years ago
I have upgraded Wamp64 to the latest version (3.1.0), along with using the latest version of PHP 7.1.12, MySQL 5.7.20, and Apache 2.4.29. I notice that there is also PHP 5.6.25 installed with the note to not delete this version as I imagine it is needed for most of the internal Wamp scripts. Is it advisable to keep 5.6.xx version of PHP up to date? If so is this done by simply installing a P
Forum: WampServer English
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