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17 years ago
I went to and got a free dynamic dns account. I then setup my ADSL router to use Virtual Server and port forward any incoming requests on port 80 to point back to my WAMP installation. My router also had a configuration for Dynamic DNS - and it supports . I have a Billion Bipac 7300. In short that's it. My problem, as it turned out, was never with the dynamic DNS, but with some html redirect
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Fixed the problem As basic as a problem with a redirect in a HTML page Thanks
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Thanks yfastud Here's my troubleshooting logic. When I type the URL in, it loads my Apache server. So, I figure the DNS is ok - it only redirects to my ISP assigned IP anyway. So I figure it either my Virtual Host, or Apache. My Virtaul Host tells traffic to go to 192.xx.xx.xx to look for a server. It seems to find a server. That's why I think it's a problem in my pache config - but I can't
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi I'm using WAMP 1.6.6 on Win XP I have a Bipac 7300 Router setup with Virtual server to redirect incoming requests on port 80 to the internal IP address. I'm using a dynamic dns too - I believ it's set up correctly. When I put my "domain" in - into the browser, it redirects to In my httpd.conf file, I can't find reference to that anywhere: I have in the file:
Forum: WampServer English
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