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12 years ago
Steven, thank you a lot for help. I solved the problem not the way I wanted thogh. This database didn't include any needful data so I just remade it totally. I tried to figure out why it happens but failed once more. It was not the first time I'd faced this problem. Every time after updating wampee I followed the same way that is I just moved folder to temp folder and then coppied it back. An
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
It worked fine before so why it dosn't work now? Unfortunately I didn't backuped my databases just moved the database folder. Is there other to solve the problem?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hello all! I've reinstalled recently wampserver and now I'm getting some problems with a database. The point is that before reinstalling I coppied old bases from mysql/data folder to some temp folder. After new installation I coppied those files back to origanal ../data folder. Now when I'm openning phpmyadmin and trying to choose my database, I'm getting the error - tables not found or so
Forum: WampServer English
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