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12 years ago
Hi There - I have set up a new table in a sql database using phpmyadmin running on Wamp. I need to add a subfield to one existing field. I just can't seem to figure out how to do this. Any information or advice would really be appreciated. Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
So if I want to make sure that there is a number associated with the record, which do I add to the structure? Primary Unique Index ??? Or do I go into the field and select AUTO_INCREMENT or make it so the record is not NULL???? Thanks so much. Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - When I add a new record to a database running in PHP/MyAdmin SQL, the record does not automatically add a Primary Key / Unique ID. I need this as I am going to want to link tables. Any ideas? Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Now I am just trying to add in fields without data listed?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
O.K. I got it to work: SELECT CompanyName FROM `table 1` WHERE CompanyName LIKE 'Dem%'
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - Is there a way to use the edit tab and narrow the search qry? Thanks so much.
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
New email today is: Hi There - I tried to run a sql query using the edit and selecting the field "CompanyName" from the mysql database in phpadmin and it returns all rows rather than the one I am searching for which starts as "Dem*" I cut and pasted a sql query from an
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Thanks so much!! That worked perfectly. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I keep having the same problem. I am not quite clear on how to enter a new field into an existing mysql database in phpmyadmin runnig on the wampserver. If anyone could help me with this that would be great. Thanks so much in advance. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
o.k. thanks!!
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I attempted 2 times to add a new record into a SQL database in PHPmyadmin running on Wamp Server. I am not sure why it isn't saving into the database. It says it was successfully inserted/saved. I was wondering if anyone know why it isn' showing up? Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I have phpmyadmin a sql database running on the wamp server. When I try to do a search by "company name" it gives me no results. Although when I manally page through the database, I find the data that I am looking for. If anyone knows any ways to get the search to work, let me know. Thank so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - For some reason, I am having trouble inserting a new row into an existing mysql database using myphpadmin running on the wamp server. If anyone can help me with this that would be great. Thanks so much. -Bethb
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
I fixed it by running the wampserver, then starting the application.
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
o.k. Thanks!!!
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I am trying to import a mysql database into ms access and am not having any luck. Any suggestions? Thanks so much. Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There All - I have never had such excellent service and help as I did from StevenMartin99. He resolved all my issues with mysql and phpadmin. I recommend him very highly. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I just emailed you my teamviewer id and p/w. Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
That would be great. Should I open up Teamviewer?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
o.k. got it. Brain freeze here in California. Do you think it is possible to import more than 7 columns into the database?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I have been working on a sql database project in phpmysqladmin. For some reason, now I go to my login and it says page cannot be displayed. I deleted the cookies and it still won't let me in. Any advice? Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
I got the phpadmin to open by deleting the cookies from my cache, although even using the import from the screen shot above, the data still imports comma delimited.
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - Thanks!! Now when I go to login to phpadmin, I am getting the error: phpMyAdmin - Error Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Weird???? Any ideas.
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I can't seem to locate where I can set the delimiters? Thank you for your help. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - That worked, but it doesn't import as columns, but instead imports with commas delimited? Is there anyway to fix that? Thanks so much. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I am trying to import an xls file into a mysql database running on the wampserver. I can't get it to import. I am getting errors as follows: ( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'The filename C:\wamp\tmp\php688F.tmp is not recognised as an OLE file' in C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.3.9\libraries\PHPExcel\PHPExcel\Shared\OLERead.php on line 80 ( ! ) Exception:
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
I got it fixed by turning off Team Viewer. Strange.
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - I am also having trouble starting phpadmin. First I got the message page cannot be displayed, then I got a redirect to Team Viewer. I am thinking it might have something to do with Skype, as Skype was offline, and I was able to connect to the database, then I put Skype online and now I can't get the system to run. At the redirect it says "This site is running Team Viewer, Free po
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - This forum has been great. I have an existing mysql database and I want to add a field using the gui. Is this possible or do I have to run a sql string/statement? Thanks, Beth
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hi There - Thanks so much Steven. You resolved all of my problems with the WampServer. -Beth
Forum: WampServer English
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