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13 years ago
@cathfan: I had a similar issue while i was working on the httpd-autoindex.conf file -- turns out i'd accidentally deleted something that was needed (still not sure what it was, i just restored from a backup i'd made of the file and re-did my edits). cut-n-paste the following into your file, replacing everything that is currently in there: #----------------------------begin snip-------------
Forum: WampServer English
13 years ago
no problem, steven... i'm working on building a "apache independent" fancy autoindex similar to , but without using the .htaccess hacks and php - it's working nicely now, but i'm also working on making some icon themes for it so that the user can choose how they want it to look somewhat... i'll post a link to it here when i've got it done.
Forum: WampServer English
13 years ago
noticed a little bug with this version's apache instance: the "httpd-autoindex.conf" file is still the default and has the following line: 'Alias /icons/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/icons/"' which results in an ugly autoindex page. it's an easy fix, however, just remove the "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/" part f
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
With all the new goodies on the new wampserver website, I thought that the local WampServer Homepage (the index.php in the C:\wamp\www\ directory) needed an update as well (to use the new logo, favicon, etc.) - so here it is: Screenshot -> if you'd like to use it, download it from the link below, unzip it, then replace the index.php in your C:\wamp\www\ directory (or where ever your docu
Forum: WampServer English
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