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12 years ago
Well, this is the suspect code: if(version_compare(phpversion(),'5.3','<')) error_reporting(E_ALL); else error_reporting(E_ALL & !E_DEPRECATED); I'm running with PHP 5.3.0...any reason why the second line would inhibit error display?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
I installed Wamp 2.2, and then for reasons too complicated to explain here, reinstalled Wamp 2. Now, error logging appears borked, nothing logged, nothing displayed to monitor despite obvious PHP errors. I have all error logging turned on, and have specified a log file. I checked my code to make sure I'm not overriding with error_reporting(), and I'm not. Strangely, error reporting worked fin
Forum: WampServer English
13 years ago
Indeed, PHP 5.3.1 doesn't break with an empty arg list to mysql_connect(). Thanks, Steven!
Forum: WampServer English
13 years ago
Just in case anyone is running into this problem: It seems as if PHP 5.3.0 crashes when mysql_close() is called without a DB argument (and it takes httpd with it). The fix is simple: Make sure to pass the DB object to the mysql_close() argument: $db = mysql_connect(...) ... mysql_close($db) That seemed to solve the problem for me...
Forum: WampServer English
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