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14 years ago
Browsers automatically URI Encode GET query strings (safe). That's all you are looking at. You don't say what you do with the q string but all it needs is to be correctly unencoded to evaluate; what is the rsult then?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
Any function / process / call that causes a browser to direct to "www."blahblah.dom will force the BROWSER to look on the web (a part of which your Wamp server is NOT dns registered for). So remove any reference to www. in links and redirects etc. This is exacerbated if you remain on-line when using a local pc dev server.
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
If you haven't picked it up yet in other posts the Wampserver team understandably don't support any advice about using mailing to external sources (out side your pc). The Wampserver concept is basically for local development computers. But to answer your question briefly, a server, wherever, has to also have a mail server installed so the programs can use it (the mail server) to out put emails
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
G'Day to the Wampserver team. I have Apache / PHP (& Zend) / Perl / MySQL / and a mail server (to test locally all email output) installed on my "development" boxes for some years (Win PC). I dev for Perl and PHP and the mail server is only manually started when offline. My question... I want to try Wampserver mainly because some the easy management options sound worth whil
Forum: WampServer English
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