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17 years ago
that is right that you get that error message. after you install php5 and try to start apache , the apache fonfig file looks for the file php4apache2.dll while the file your apache server is looking for has been removed and the other file called php5apache2.dll or php5apache2_2.dll is installed. since it cant find it ,it generate an error message similar to the one you got. to solve this pro
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
Thanks in advance MR Andre Rotband . i hope this will solve my problem. thanks again. best of luck ...
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
thanks in advace Mr Andre Rotband .i hope this will solve my problem. thanks again . best of luck
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
before all !! SORRY FOR MY BROKEN ENLISH ..... hi everybody. i have a really strange problem with WAMP5.let me explain it one one. for example i am going to write a code which take registration information from you and send it to database. (by the way i am using WAMP in my local computer). <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "Blue", "geek" or die (
Forum: WampServer English
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