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14 years ago
When creating a new user under phpMyAdmin, there is a section called "Database for user", with 3 options: None, Create database with same name and grant all privileges, Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%). What do these options do?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
To answer my own question: You can add the line: default-storage-engine = MyISAM somewhere underneath the section. It seems that the order of the lines underneath have no importance. I was able to check the default engine using the MySQL console using the command mysql> show engines; With this knowledge and some trial and errors, I figuered it out!
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
Hi, I'm new to this all. At the moment I try to change the default storage engine to MyISAM. The pages tell me I should look for default-storage-engine=INNODB line in the My.ini file and change it. Problem is that I don't find this line in the file. What do I have to do? Should I add this line? And if so, where in the file should I add it? Thx ppl!!!
Forum: WampServer English
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