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13 years ago
i delete the host account, and all i left is an account i made and with a password, but i seem to forget the password, is there a way to change it? every time i got to phpmyadmin, it said deny access, and requires password, but i never got chance to enter password. or better yet is there a way to complete wipe out the wamp and intall it again?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
this is driving me nuts, i reset password for root, then myphpadmin no longer let me in cause the password set to NO, so help, where do i change it?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
in php/mysql web development, what are the most common classes that are need to be created?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
i am new, so why do people want to know how many sec from 1/1/1970?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
thx, it's working now
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
i saved it testing.php in www folder if i can see the myphpadmin, does that mean php is working?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
thx, so i reset the thing another problem, i just installed wamp, but php is not working when i use this testing script <html> <head> <title> PHP Test Script </title> </head> <body> <?php phpinfo( ); ?> </body> </html>
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
so i know i've done something wrong, i went to previleage and add a user which is me with my own username and password, then i deleted everyother items on the previleage table include 'any,' and when i create my user i forgot to check those previleages, so now i can't do anything, what do i have to do to get back my previleages? thx in advance
Forum: WampServer English
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