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9 years ago
Reply appreciated: In answer to you questions: Yes I changed the port. Port 3306 is the default I understand that. I changed it to 3307 to rectify a login failure I was getting ( #2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server ) by changing to 3307 login was no problem. If I change it back to 3307 I get the login failure. Q2. phpMyAdmin is working and Database server shows; Server:
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I just had a look through this thread I had the Not Green problem which was solved by removing three files windows creates The files are: ib_logfile() ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 They can be found in C:/ wamp/bin/mysql/mysqlx.x.x/data Where (mysqlx.x.x) is your version of wamp. I copied the files saved them to a new folder as a backup called deleted files then restarted my computer
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
Left click WampServer Icon when menu comes up hover over Apache>See menu click on httpd.conf to edit # Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf (Is about nine tenths down the file) # LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ (Is about 1 third way down) Glad to help.
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
I cannot get CakePHP to connect to a database on Wamp. I have spent hours going over all the different possibilities on multiple searches on numerous sites. I know it is usually something that has been misspelled, overlooked or miss understood and I have not found a solution yet. since this is my first post here is the requested information to start things off. OS: 32 Wamp=V: 32 APACHE=v:
Forum: WampServer English
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