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9 years ago
Thanks for the link, took a few minutes to scan it over. I will seriously check it out in depth when I can spare a couple of hours. First impression: For my 'serious' projects (commissioned, large, legacy or otherwise) Virtual Hosts seems ideal. Look forward to testing it out. For my exploratory and demo projects it seems like needless work and overkill. Most of these project tend to ei
Forum: WampServer English
9 years ago
There are 2 aspects of this issue - The first is to be able to access items under "Your Projects" from the Wamp localhost homepage. The second is to be able to correctly access items listed in the Wampserver Icon Taskbar's "My Projects" list. To fix the first (to be able to access items under "Your Projects" from the Wamp localhost homepage) you will need to do
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
There may be a problem with the Apache addon that comes bundled with the latest release of WampServer (WampServer2.0i.) I just install WampServer2.0i.exe (and reinstalled twice) and the bundled Apache2.2.11 would not work. I then downloaded and installed the separate Apache installer (WampServer2-APACHE2211.exe) and everything is now OK. ...Steven
Forum: WampServer English
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