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17 years ago
i am also looking for the same.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
which page opens on taking on browser. if default and if wamp is working fine it should show the wamp page with details of installation
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
not sure try swLiveConnect=true !!!
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
one or more of the links might be pointing to the internet. check and make sure that you are using relative link and not absolute ones
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
any other webserver running?
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
port conflict for sure
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
try XAMPP. it seems it got an SMTP server bundled. if u are on windows platform try configuring the default IIS SMTP.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
It should work. There is no such difference as long as the code is intact
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions date.timezone = "Asia/Calcutta" add this line to php.ini Post Edited (08-07-06 09:57)
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
try [<<computer] name>>/ from other computers. ie if your computer name is "mymachine" acess it as
Forum: WampServer English
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