C'est effectivement "access_compat_module" qui doit donc être coché dans :
Clic-Gauche -> Apache -> Modules Apache
> ça n'a rien changé.
Il ne doit plus y avoir l'erreur : "C:/wamp64/www/tunys/.htaccess: Invalid command 'Order', "
Vu qu'il s'agit de la "copie" d'un forum phpBB existant, il faut sans doute modifier des paramètres de connex Forum: WampServer Francais
Due to some regression problems, Apache 2.4.60 64bit has been removed and will be replaced by Apache 2.4.61.
We recommend that you revert to Apache and remove Apache 2.4.60. Forum: WampServer English
Suite à quelques problèmes de régression, Apache 2.4.60 64bit est supprimé.
Sera remplacé par Apache 2.4.61.
Il est conseillé de revenir à Apache et de supprimer Apache 2.4.60. Forum: WampServer Francais
You can use the regeneration tool for wampmanager.ini :
Wampmanager.ini repair
Repair tool for wampmanager.ini file if it is corrupted or missing. You can download at any time, but install this tool only if you need it, because it takes into account the current configuration of Wampserver. Forum: WampServer English
- Apache 2.4.60 64bit
Important: Before installing Apache 2.4.60, the Wampserver 3.3.5 update is necessary. It is also essential to have previously installed the Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages VC 2015-2022 (VS17) 14.40.33810 or more. See the bottom of this page for download links.
Integrates the Apache fcgi_module which allows to change the PHP version of each VirtualHost in orde Forum: WampServer English
- Apache 2.4.60 64bit
Retiré - Sera remplacé par Apache 2.4.61.
Il est conseillé de revenir à Apache et de supprimer Apache 2.4.60. Forum: WampServer Francais
Trouvé la solution !
Le changelog 2.4.60, à propos de SECURITY: CVE-2024-38476 dit:
Note: Some legacy uses of the 'AddType' directive to connect a
request to a handler must be ported to 'AddHandler' after this fix.
Il faut donc dans le fichier httpd.conf, dans la section <IfModule mime_module> sous la ligne:
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
ajouter la l Forum: WampServer Francais
Thanks for the files, I was able to download them.
I can only run simulations with: $browser = array ( 'name' => array ( 0 => '360安全浏览器',
The ListBrowsers.php and ListBrowsers.txt files must be UTF-8 encoded, check with Notepad++. Forum: WampServer English
Sorry, but Apache 2.4.60 for Wampserver will wait a while.
There are problems when switching from version -> 2.4.60, for example the browser used, Firefox, asks for a "uCqlH5WV" file backup when you ask for 'http://localhost/'. With Edge, Chrome or Opera, 'http://localhost/' performs a download directly.
There is no such problem when switching Apache versions Forum: WampServer English
Désolé, mais Apache 2.4.60 pour Wampserver attendra quelque temps.
Il y a des problèmes lors du basculement de version -> 2.4.60, par exemple le navigateur utilisé, Firefox, demande une sauvegarde de fichier "uCqlH5WV" lorsque l'on demande 'http://localhost/'.
Avec Edge, Chrome ou Opera, 'http://localhost/' effectue un téléchargement directement.
Il n'y a Forum: WampServer Francais
- MySQL 8.0.38 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.1 64bit
- MySQL 9.0.0 64bit
See the first message for download links
All things are on Forum: WampServer English
- MySQL 8.0.38 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.1 64bit
- MySQL 9.0.0 64bit
Voir le premier message pour les liens de téléchargement.
Tout est sur Forum: WampServer Francais
A priori, the problem arises with the name of the "360 browser".
The names and paths of the browsers installed on the system come from the registry at the key:
the top-level key, for example:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google Chrome
contains "by default" of type REG_SZ the name of the navig Forum: WampServer English
For MariaDB it is the file at then PhpMyAdmin with the import file zoneinfo.sql. Forum: WampServer English
Download the file:
Unzip it to obtain the file : timezone_posix.sql
Launch PhpMyAdmin.
Select database mysql
Select Import tab
File to import: browse computer to choose the file timezone_posix.sql
Import button at the bottom Forum: WampServer English
It doesn't have much to do with Wampserver!
As far as Wampserver is concerned, I use : DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers or timezone_identifiers_list Forum: WampServer English
> Default text editor: C:/Windows/system32/notepad.exe
À éviter. Le notepad de Windows n'est pas un "vrai" éditeur de texte.
Il est préférable d'installer Notepad++ gratuit et de mettre le chemin dans le fichier wampmanager.conf :
editor ="C:/chemin complet vers /notepad++.exe"
logviewer ="C:/chemincomplet vers /notepad++.exe"
Dans le log Apach Forum: WampServer Francais
In saying thank you, we mustn't forget Maximus23, without whom, without a doubt, Wampserver would no longer exist!
Let me tell you the story of Aestan Tray Menu, now Tray Menu Manager, at least since 2019. :
I have written several times in this forum that the heart of Wampmanager (The Wampserver Manager) is Aestan Tray Menu designed by Onno Broek Forum: WampServer English
- Tray Menu Manager 64bit
Updated Tray Menu Manager(wampmanager.exe)
- Remove the About call method.
+ Added Options call method.
+ Changed call method ini (Options replaces About).
+ Info: ini modification is done automatically during update.
+ Major bug fix for 4K display.
+ Corrected scaling for different resolutions.
+ 4K centering correction.
+ Update of Pro 64-bit Forum: WampServer English
- Tray Menu Manager 64bit
Mise à jour de Tray Menu Manager (wampmanager.exe)
- Retrait de la méthode d'appel About.
+ Ajout de la méthode d'appel Options.
+ Modification de l'ini sur la méthode d'appel.(Options Remplace About)
+ Info : La modification de l'ini se fera automatiquement lors de la mise à jour.
+ Correction Bug majeur pour l'affichage 4K.
+ Correction de Forum: WampServer Francais
> Wampserver does not read smtp or sendmail_from in php.ini.
If you're using PHP as an Apache module, you'll need to modify the PhpForApache.ini file.
If you're using PHP in FCGI mode, you'll need to modify the php.ini file. Forum: WampServer English
> This mail() function worked correctly with previous versions of Wampserver.
The mail() function depends solely on PHP and Wampserver itself has nothing to do with it.
Didn't you change your PHP version between "it worked" and "it doesn't work"?
By the way, what exactly "doesn't work"?
What is the return value of the mail() function?
And why a Forum: WampServer English
Wouldn't you have a 4K monitor or something out of 1920 x 1080?
If you need to access the "About" options, it's possible to go back to Tray Menu Manager, but of course without the SSL Certificate options.
- In the c:\wamp64\ folder
Rename wampmanager.exe -> wampmanager3.2.6.4
Rename wampmanager3.2.6.3.exe -> wampmanager.exe Forum: WampServer English
On peut masquer l'affichage des erreurs, mais ça n'évitera pas qu'elle surviennent.
Les erreurs fatales ne peuvent pas être évitées.
Voir : Fonction error_reporting
Voilà où j'en suis avec la procédure d'installation :
Installation effectuée avec Prestashop 8.1.6
Sur Wampserver 3.3.5 64bit - Apache, PHP 8.1.29, MySQL 8.4.0
Nota : PHP 8.1.x maximum - Ne fonctionne pa Forum: WampServer Francais