my problem falls under the same header but presumeably is different nevertheless. First, my System:
Win7, WAMPServer 2.5, everthing setup as instructed and have a nicely running localhost with phpadmin and all. The WAMP's home is E:\wamp\
I then configered two vhosts in their own vhosts file (including the appropriate INCLUDE in httpd.conf) like this:
# Virtual Hosts for MBI Office
# edited 2Oct15 HWK:
<VirtualHost *:80>
tester@businesspark.orgDocumentRoot "e:/Sites/insulinbeikrebs.at/public_html/ABC/"
ServerName ABC
ServerAlias insulinbeikrebs
ErrorLog "logs/local-ABC-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/local-ABC.log" common
# edited 2Oct15 HWK:
<VirtualHost *:80>
tester@businesspark.orgDocumentRoot "e:/Sites/pizzeria-candis.at/public_html/"
ServerName PCA
ServerAlias pizzeria
ErrorLog "logs/local-PCA-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/local-PCA-access.log" common
Both sites run perfectly fine as [
abc] and [
pca] (of cource editied Win's host file etc).
I then added two more vhosts living on a different Disk, also enhanced the hosts file and restartet WAMP and the windowas dnacache. The following code was added to above vhost file:
# edited 10Oct15 HWK:
<VirtualHost *:80>
tester@businesspark.orgDocumentRoot "l:/Werkstatt/projekt/"
ServerName pcaprojekt
ErrorLog "logs/local-pcaprojekt-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/local-pcaprojekt-access.log" common
# edited 10Oct15 HWK:
<VirtualHost *:80>
tester@businesspark.org# DocumentRoot "e:/Sites/pizzeria-candis.at/public_html/"
DocumentRoot "l:/Werkstatt/shop"
ServerName pcashop
ErrorLog "logs/local-pcashop-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/local-pcashop-access.log" common
None of them will show; I'm getting the famous "You don't have permission to access / on this server." message.
As can be seen in the lower block, I have also tried the enter a Documentroot from another host, and that works fine as well. Thus, it is certain that the fault lies either in the fact that vhost utilize two different disks, or else with the E:/path ... I wasn't able to figure that out.
Appache error-log shows AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [L:/Werkstatt/projekt/] does not exist - So I checked using windows CMD like this:
cd: L\Werkstatt\shop
... getting a list of 64 file with 440MBytes. (I did this to avoid anything that WinExplorer could falsify when listing the correct content).
I am grateful for any hint as to what might cause this and/or what I need to correct, test or can do to make this work. It is a requirement to use an extra disk.
Kind regards!