Posted by:
I was wondering if you could guide me to what the proper file structure is for
PHP in order to run 100% flawless on wampserver or any other server for that
matter, and what I mean by this follows below:
I know that after you setup WAMPSERVER it creates a folder on the harddrive of
your choice which I will try to keep it simple: c:/wamp
And I know in that folder from what I gather wampserver looks for a folder called
www hence it would be: c:/wamp/www and this is where your suppose to put a
folder for the name of your website lets call it so the wampserver
folder would look like this:
and this is where I get lost.....
in the folder for my website fudge what should the file struucture be?
what folder goes into what to make the website so it runs faster and is searched faster?
Also where do the following folders come into play and in what folder and file structure
should they be in?
autorespond, cpanel, fantasticodata, htpasswords, sqmaildata, and trash and why do
they have a period before the names?
And what about the folders for access-logs, etc, ioncube, mail, Mydd, public_ftp,
public_html, root, and tmp?
I know I am asking alot here, but I think it will save a lot of questions for others that are
new to using PHP and using wampserver to host their websites.
PS: If anyone is in the United States and wouldn't mind helping me over the phone,
I do have free calling for the whole us would you please email me your phone number
and the best time to call - Thanks
Any and all help is GREATLY APPRECIATED
The WampServerGuy