ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 20, 2008 11:40PM

Hello, I run many wordpress blogs on Linux hosting plans, so I had an interest in trying to build my own web server. I have installed WAMP successfully and have the WordPress blog loading off of localhost as well as the IP address.

However, when I try to load using the ISP address the root directory of the server doesn't load. Can someone point me in the right direction?

The ISP I have is providing me with a 10,000k download and 10,000k upload connection. It's pretty fast and I think it would be fun to set up my own personal web server. I have a domain name that I would like to use as well.

EDIT: As you read thru the responses below, you will discover that most if not all my ports from my ISP are being blocked.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2008 02:18AM by garryconn.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 20, 2008 11:43PM

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 20, 2008 11:49PM

THank you I will do that and report back.

I walked thru this one quite a few times:


The above is excellent, very well written and that author has tons of other guides as well. Unfortunately, it almost seems like I am skipping a few steps. I will read yours and thanks for the reference. Once again, I'll report back. Thank you for the super fast response!

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 12:02AM

Hi there, I read thru the tutorial (nicely done btw) but I am still not able to type my real IP Address into the address bar and load the page.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 12:05AM

do u get page could not be found? or server timed out error?

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 12:29AM

Hi Steven,

Once again, thank you for the quick reply and also investing so much time into creating that tutorial. I can load the IP address assigned by my Linksys router which is and it will take me to the WAMP5 Homepage. (same goes when I load [localhost]

I have wordpress installed at:


and so loads great!

same with [localhost]

I was even able to un-comment the mod_rewrite so that I could adjust the permalink structure from the default ?p=19 to /post-name.php

However, when I attempt use my own IP address assigned by my ISP it fails to load the WAMP5 Homepage.

I use Firefox and I get a Page Load Error

Network Timeout

The server at is taking too long to respond.
The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.

* Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later.
* Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.
* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.
* Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.

Just curious... is there anything that I was supposed to do to the httpd file?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2008 12:31AM by garryconn.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 12:45AM

no but there is an issue in ur port forwarding in ur router(server takes too long shows this).... how did you go about setting it up?

if u can write me down like


etc.. and the values u entered on the portforwarding page

im not familiar with linskeys

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 12:48AM

I just realized that it would be helpful of me to provide you and anyone reading this with some more information about my situation.

I have fiber optic connection that goes direct to my Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router
# []

The fiber optic does not require a MODEM. There is a huge box mounted outside of my house, perhaps that is the modem itself. The box feeds cat5 cable all my televisions and a cat5 to my Linksys Router. It's a pretty cool service. I get 10Mbps download and 10Mbps upload.

My former ISP was Charter Communications where I would get 16Mbps download and only 2Mpbs upload.

Here is a link to my ISP web site. It is very new in my town and provided to consumers from our electric company:

# []

From there I have my Dell XPS M1530 notebook which has been assigned with an IP address of by the router. My family has multiple laptops in the home as well.

I am running Windows Vista Home Edition.

I have an older desktop that I'll end up doing a cat5 connect to the router and will eventually use that for the web server... The reason I am using my laptop now is just for training.

I have successfully installed WAMP and have successfully configured the MySQL DB in phpMyAdmin (all that stuff I am pretty good at based off my previous experience with WHM/Cpanel web servers and experience with WordPress)

The Objective is to set up a very casual LIVE WordPress blog using a domain name that I have purchased. There is really no logical reason for this, other than I have always wanted to successfully set up my own personal web server for quite a few year, I find it intriguing.

My thoughts were that my ISP is blocking port 80... so I tried doing port 81, 8081, and even weird numbers like 7643.

I am thinking that I very well might not be doing things correctly in the Linksys Admin configutation.

I am able to access my router by going to

I did notice that after I installed WAMP that the apache field was created in linksys and assigned port 80.

I created an HTTP field and assigned that to port 80 while changing the apache field to 81

I created the HTTP port in Windows Vista and assigned it port 80, 81, 8081, and strange odd numbers as well such as 7643.

That pretty much sums up where I am at with this.

Thanks again for taking the time to listen to my problem and attempt to help me create a solution.

In helping me, do consider me as a noob and consider that it is very possible that I have overlooked something simple, such as properly configuring my Linksys Router.


Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2008 12:57AM by garryconn.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 01:05AM

first goto and check if port 80 is blocked
if 80 is blocked try 81 but ul need to change port in httpd.conf file to 81 too and use h ttp://ipaddress:81/wordpress to look at it

then u do this on router

Applications and Gaming > Port RangeForward

(values are in (xx)'s )

(wamp) Application In this field, enter the name you wish to give
the application. Each name can be up to 12 characters.

(start=80)(end=80) Start/End This is the port range. Enter the number that
starts the port range in the Start column and the number
that ends the range in the End column.

(tcp) Protocol Select the protocol used for this application,
either TCP or UDP, or Both.

( IP Address For each application, enter the IP Address of
the PC running the specific application.

Enable Select Enable to enable port forwarding for the
relevant application.

Click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:12AM

Ok... You can go here for screen shots:


I will follow the instructions you have given me from above and then report my findings.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 01:17AM

Dont put anyting in port triggering of DMZ.. most like ur port 80 is blocked as wat u have in for port forwarding shoud be ok...

sometimes linskey router stop people inside the networks eiwing the external ip.. so if you can.. try from a pc not on the network or a mobile phone

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:29AM

Here are my findings:

Common Ports

FTP2 1 = Connection Timed Out
FTP 21 = Connection Timed Out
SSH 22 = Connection Timed Out
Telnet 23 = Connection Timed Out
SMTP 25 = Connection Refused
Web 80 = Connection Timed Out
Pop 3 110 = Connection Timed Out
IMAP 143 = Connection Timed Out

Other Applications
Remote Desktop 3389 = Connection Timed Out
PC Anywhere 5631 = Connection Timed Out

Random Port Queries

7643 = Connection Refused
123 = Connection Timed Out
1145 = Connection Timed Out
13 = Connection Timed Out
9999 = Connection Refused
17590 = Connection Timed Out
5 = Connection Refused
6 = Connection Refused
81 = Connection Timed Out
8080 = Connection Timed Out
8081 = Connection Timed Out
8001 = Connection Timed Out

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:31AM

"Dont put anyting in port triggering of DMZ.. most like ur port 80 is blocked as wat u have in for port forwarding shoud be ok...

sometimes linskey router stop people inside the networks eiwing the external ip.. so if you can.. try from a pc not on the network or a mobile phone

Steven Martin"

-- Ok, I will try to access my IP address using my mobile phone and I'll report back what happens.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 01:42AM

are u sure ur external ip address hasnt changed?? it can changed wen u restart router... check it on

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:44AM

Attempting to access the assigned IP address from my ISP on my mobile phone returns:

( The server returned the follow error while attempting to fulfill your request: "Connection Timed Out". )

Via BlackBerry Curve on AT&T network.

and yes... I am sure. My External IP address has remained the same. Second nature to constantly check that.

smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2008 01:45AM by garryconn.

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 01:49AM

all ur ports are blocked... so looks liek u wont be able to do it

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:57AM

What do most people do if all ports are blocked? Also, is that a common thing for most ISPs to do? Would that mean that I wouldn't even be successful using Remote Desktop?

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 21, 2008 02:10AM

well maybe they are not all block.. the refused one are definitly blocked.. timed out means they got to the router but were told to not go anywhere else... 80 should have got thruough being set up..

Steven Martin - []

Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: yfastud (Moderator)
Date: November 21, 2008 02:11AM

After log into your router setup, click the Applications & Gaming link near the top of the page.

You should now see a new menu. In this new menu, click Port Range Forward and fill in as follows:

Application: HTTP
Start: 80
End: 80
Protocol: Both
IP Address:
Enable: Check

After setup port forward, follow these step

1. Uninstall and delete db for wordpress
2. Create db for wordpress; you can follow my guide here
3. Setup vh for wordpress; you can follow my guide here
4. Download and extract wordpress into www folder; you can get it here if you like
5. Use your wan ip to go to wordpress folder and start installation from there

The reason you need to uninstall and reinstall wordpress since wordpress will auto rewrite the url bassed on the url that you used to install it, which is mostly locahost, and you won't be able to access it from other url, ie. your wan ip

Have fun,

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Re: ISP IP Address Will Not Resolve.
Posted by: garryconn (208.95.177.---)
Date: November 21, 2008 02:17AM

Hi yfastud,

Thanks for the reply. At this moment, I am just trying to access the WAMP5 Homepage via the external IP address that has been assigned to me by my ISP. Can you help me with that?

Apparently most if not ALL ports are blocked. I need to figure that part out before even doing anything with WordPress. At this point, let consider that WordPress isn't even a concern at the moment.

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