Blank Page on While command opening tables
Posted by: mmd (
Date: November 17, 2008 03:24PM


I've just installed WAMP on my Windows Vista Ultimate and i tried on a Windows XP and it also gives me the same result.

I have a web that executes a while command to show all the tables rows. Where I load that page on wamp server, it returns a blank page. I've tested the same page at a web server and it's ok.

I don't if there is a kind of cache or refresh time on wamp that i have to edit.

When i a open a table from my database, i can get the rows, but when i open 2 or 3 tables in sequence, wamp returns me a blank page.

Can anybody help me ?

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Re: Blank Page on While command opening tables
Posted by: yfastud (Moderator)
Date: November 17, 2008 03:50PM

make sure to use full tag if short_open_tag is not enable in php.ini

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Re: Blank Page on While command opening tables
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: November 17, 2008 05:38PM

ul need to post up the script....

Steven Martin - []

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