Wamp2 server doesn't work for you. Don't worry there is an alternative
Posted by: hambuler (---.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
Date: February 29, 2008 12:11AM

I have downloaded and installed apache2, mysql5.0 and php4.4 separately. Everything works well as I want them to be.

Download and install the Apache, PHP, mysql separately .

****step 1***** Optional. Can be omitted if you don't need mysql database.

Download and install Mysql5 at [dev.mysql.com]
to read Mysql documentation: it is installed with the package or read it online at: "[dev.mysql.com];

*****step 2***
To download and install PHP, click on [www.php.net]. Only download php4.4.8 since php5 doesn't have php_mysql module compiled and built in.
To read php documentation to set up conf file, read this: "[www.php.net];

If you insist to use php5 for windows, then copy the php5.2.## folder (# represents a number) from Wamp server and replace the file php.ini in that php5.2.## folder with php.ini in apache2.2.#\bin folder. Or you can keep the php.ini file original and modify it later to enable loaded php modules and other directives. Look at these two files for content comparison and file modified dates.

****step 3****

Download and install Apache HTTP SSL Server 2.0.63: [apache.sunsite.ualberta.ca]
or without SSL at: [apache.sunsite.ualberta.ca]

Apache2.2 doesn't work with PHP4.4. Don't download apache2.2. If you decide to copy php5 from Wamp Server, then go ahead to download the latest apache2.2 without HTTPS SSL at: "[mirror.lemonfree.com];

apache2.2 with HTTPS SSL at: "[mirror.lemonfree.com];

To read documentation about configuration, read at: "[httpd.apache.org];

In my experience, you will spend less than 4 hours to get them up and working.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/03/2008 04:01AM by hambuler.

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