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I am also getting this error, both with wampserver2.0a and wampserver2.0b.
I have a pretty new machine, the only concern is that the primary partition is i:\ so my path is i:\wamp.
Is there anything in the config files that are hard coded to c

I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times with different versions on a xp pro machine.
As far as I know, I'm not running any other apache services. All I have installed is battlefield 2, farcry, itunes, and azureus. google bar, and firefox, other than that, pretty clean machine.
I'm also unable to start the apache service.
I also see that skype caused a problem, I just installed that as well, let me uninstall and see if it works.....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2008 03:13AM by youfoundjake.