just open c:\wamp\wampmanager.tpl
search for root and replace with your username
save the file, right click wamp icon > refresh
if you want to add two consoles on the menu.
search for root as above.
then copy that line and paste it on the line after it so you have two lines.
then edit the user and the name ... so for example they would be
Type: item; Caption: "${w_mysqlConsole}(root)"; Action: run; FileName: "${c_mysqlConsole}";Parameters: "-u root -p"; Glyph: 0
Type: item; Caption: "${w_mysqlConsole}{user2)"; Action: run; FileName: "${c_mysqlConsole}";Parameters: "-u user2 -p"; Glyph: 0
save the file, right click wamp icon > refresh
Steven Martin
stevenmartin99@gmail.comstevenmartin99@hotmail.comPampServer.com - [
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2012 08:06PM by stevenmartin99.