ft_min_word_len = 3 is not loaded by mysql...
Posted by: cxocxo (---.telefonia.InterCable.net)
Date: July 14, 2007 10:17AM

Hello everybody, I have installed wampserver in my pc and everything seemed to work fine as I tested my blogs , great!...but I recently implemented a full text search engine, so as you might know that search engine is limited to 4 characters, this means, the user cannot find words of size less than 4 characters. To repair that, you have to add the next options in the mysql option file (my.ini):

ft_max_word_len = 150
ft_min_word_len = 3

restart the service and then in mysql:


and then it is supossed to work...but it doesn´t, what should I do?, I also see that there is not msyqld in the bin folder, I put the msyqld file from another installation I deleted, thinking that it will solve the problem, but it didn´t, I have tried and tried and tried...and I don´t know what to do...¿Can sombody help me?

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