Problem with require_once
Posted by: JohnT (
Date: June 25, 2007 05:18PM

I'm brand new to WAMP, and I'm having a problem with the require _once command.

I downloaded the project we're working on from the server - on my local machine, require_once doesn't appear to be working correctly. It requires the configuration file without a problem, and it fails if I rename it to a non-existent file, but none of my configuration variables are set following the require, so I'm unable to connect to the DB - no database name! It works just fine on the server - any ideas?

I'm running Windows XP Media Center edition on this PC, and I have the latest version of WAMP, 1.7.2. Thanks!

Re: Problem with require_once
Posted by: tvks (220.227.246.---)
Date: June 29, 2007 07:57AM

Hi John,

It seems that you have not copied all the files from the server. If you can be more elaborate on what the error message displays it will enable us to help you better.

The require_once command terminates execution of the whole script if the file specified there does not exist. Hence if you give some non-existent file also its no use.

Check again if you have copied all the folders+files and see. If you still keep getting the error state what the error message displays.



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