link table
Posted by: k12 (
Date: February 12, 2007 11:27PM

iam using wamp 1.6.6 with mysql and apache

i created the database through the php my admin which has 5 tables. one of the table does not store data and i been looking everything including codes primary key and also changed the character for that table but still i couldn,t find any problem

i checked the eperation of my database on php admin and get this error message

could it be causing problem for storing data on particular table?

the table doesn,t store data need to get data from other table on my database

i am using latin 1 swedish for my database everything ok the table is not storing data have all of number field like id,s date would that be a problem using same chracter as other table?

iam very confused it would be great someone could help me on this
could anyone help me??

The additional features for working with linked tables have been deactivated. To find out why click here.

thank u

Post Edited (02-13-07 20:34)


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