first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 08, 2007 05:17PM

This is the first time I ever setup a complete server.
I installed WAMP
my host is []
Ok, after some studying, I found out some stuff about servers, not much.
However I have differentiated IIS and apache (knowing the difference)
I have installed apache, and created a folder under c:/wamp/www/primerolatino
I have a few questions, I can't figure out and was looking for some advice.

* I have 3 domain names pointing to the dns servers for vps land. However how do I actually point the site's themselves over to the proper folder in apache.
I need to get the three domain names over to that folder, so when someone goes to it comes up to that folder on that server. Is there a way to do this with/in wamp itself, or is there something I need to install externally to manage (handle) the domains, if so does anyone know of something that is free, with pretty decent instructions on how to run it, since I know next to nothing for do it yourself domain management.

* I need to install phpmyadmin in the same folder as the website so I can visit it
Can I just move the phpmyadmin folder in apache, and have apache still remember all the settings and know where it is (I don't know a whole lot about software)

I tried to get as many of these answers as I could by looking, these 2 I couldn't find, the rest I had, I found answers to.
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 08, 2007 07:07PM

If you setup your dns correctly, all the rest of your concerns can be solved w/ wampserver in 1 word: VH (VirtualHost), as seen in my signatures ( ie. will point to wamp/www/jlbn, pointing to wamp/www/test, so on)

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 08, 2007 07:15PM

I still don't understand. I never knew anything about web servers, I learnt some things from this project, can you be a little more specific if you have time.
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 08, 2007 10:48PM

ok the domain names are
They are all pointed to the hosting domain name servers

After a lot of research, and a lot of work I finally came up with this

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/primerolatino

I also studied the difference between name based, and ip based virtual hosting, didn't pick up a lot but I understand the basics.
Now when I go to it works, it visits that folder, and comes up wiht that page, but everything I try for the other 2 don't work like
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/primerolatino

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/primerolatino

Those come up and say the page cannot be found, what am I doing wrong on this part.
I have been doing additional research for awhile, and found some stuff about server alias, and some other things, I tried a few of those, but didn't really have a deep understanding of how it works, how do I know get those other 2 url's to show up.
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 02:22PM


If you setup your dns correctly
Did you?

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 09, 2007 02:35PM

If you refer to domain name servers. Yes I pointed the name servers over to VPSland name servers as they told me (his host is at
Then I pointed all 3 of them to it actually. I even got the one domain name pointing to the right folder, but the other's aren't working.
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 02:50PM

So did you go back and check to make sure name server for all 3 are correct, and also check in your dns setup that all 3 point to the same ip?

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Post Edited (01-09-07 15:25)

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 09, 2007 03:30PM

Ok, I am a little confused. I have the domain name server's pointed to that, all I have inside the httpdconfig file is

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/primerolatino
That's all I have, I am not sure what to do with the dns. I don't really have access, or know anything else. I figured that out, about what you said about virtualhost and literally 11 hours worth of research in how to use it, I finally got one of them working. I couldn't ever figure out how to get the other 2 working. One of them is working perfectly, I don't understand what you mean about

No, I didn't say name server, but i said SETUP DNS because every time you have another domain or create new subdomain, you must setup dns and vh associated together.yfastud wrote:

> No, I didn't say name server, but i said SETUP DNS because
> every time you have another domain or create new subdomain, you
> must setup dns and vh associated together.
> Have fun
> [] (testing web
> server)

> [] (testing codes)
> [] (testing phpBB2)
> [] (testing
> phpBB3)

> [] (testing
> mailserver)

> [] (testing ftp
> server)

> [] (testing
> flashes)

> [] (testing
> images)

> [] (testing Joomla
> 1.0.10)

> [] (testing phpFusion
> 6.01.6)

> [] (testing phpNuke
> 7.9)

> [] (testing phpNuke
> Platinum 7.6.b.4v2)

> [] (testing PostNuke
> 0.800-MS2)

> [] (testing phpNuke
> Evolution 2.0.1)

I just need to figure out this last thing. I never setup a server, I am a web developer, but I learnt
* How to install wamp
* processes, how to enable and disable services
* configuring apache
* setting up my own ftp server, and connecting to it (as well as setting the domain and user for the ftp)
* Quite a few basic things about virtual host
* Quite a few things about domain names in general
* quite a bit about the httpdconfig file in apache (not much but some)
* Some about software installation, and
that's about it
The other problem was the other 2 domain names works, when you go to it, it goes to the site
WHen you go to
it doesn't work, I am not sure how to set those up, how do I do what you mentioned about the dns to make them work.
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 04:04PM

Actually, I just edited my post. Did you read it?

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 09, 2007 04:11PM

>So did you go back and check to make sure name server for all 3 are correct, and also >check in your dns setup that all 3 point to the same ip?yfastud wrote:
> Actually, I just edited my post. Did you read it?
> Have fun

Ok, I called, I called them and had them check the other 2 domains, make sure they pointed the same as the one that was working. They said yes, I told them to double and triple check, so they are.
Now How do I get them pointed to the same ip
dns setup, I am confused, the only thing I was doing was working with httpdconfig file, I did leave a message for support at but I don't guess they will do anything. Is this something they have to do, or something I can do with httpdconfig file, if so, any ideas how?
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 04:34PM

how about name server for the other 2, are they the same or different from the first?

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 09, 2007 04:45PM

The name server itself for my webhost is
Those are the domain name servers
I checked the domain name servers first for
They are pointed there, the other 2 domains
all 3 of them are pointed to the exact same name servers, I am 100% sure of that.
What should I Do?
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 04:58PM


all 3 of them are pointed to the exact same name servers, I am 100% sure of that.
That's the BIG problem because each domain should have its own name server even bought from the same registrar and setup in the same dns. I personally have more than 1 from the same registrar and setup in the same dns so I know it for sure.

In the mean time, you can setup like this so all 3 point to the same site

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot c:/wamp/www/primerolatino

Have fun

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Post Edited (01-09-07 17:08)

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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: (
Date: January 09, 2007 05:07PM

I am confused, the registration each one has it's own domain name server. I have made sure, they have there own domain names, the domain names themselves, the name servers are vpsland standard name servers.
ANyone with an account at and want to point there domains, the domain name servers for vpsland is always the 2 I gave you.
those are always the name servers?
I am really confused can you help me with figure this out? Is it something I am doing wrong in the virtual host (the text I showed you earlier)
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Re: first complete server setup
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 05:13PM

Each time you register a domain w/ dns, they should setup new set of name server for that domain, so you should have 6 name server instead of 2; therefore, you should check w/ your dns. I'm really not sure about this because your dns might be different from mine but I have 4 different name server for my 2 domains.

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