permission denied
Posted by: Shawn (165.189.89.---)
Date: January 02, 2007 04:40PM

When i try to connect remotely to the webserver. I type [ip_address] and i am able to reach the web page but when i try to click on the phpadmin link on the main page i get a permission denied to that directory error. P.S. I have the serve running on a virtual machine, if that makes a difference. The phpadmin link works fine when accessing it from the server. Am I not supposed to have access to the phpadmin from remote machines as a built-in security precaution?

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 02, 2007 05:24PM

By default, phpmyadmin and sqlitemanager are locked from outsiders

Have fun

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: Shawn (165.189.89.---)
Date: January 02, 2007 05:57PM

Is there a simple way to be able to configure it to be able to access it remotely?

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 02, 2007 07:09PM

For your own protection, you should leave it as is because when it's enable, anyone can access your db and just a "little" mistake will cause you a very "BIG" hard time, except if you can setup phpMyAdmin Central Copy, in which each user has to provide a set of username and password to login your MySQL database through phpMyAdmin; then, (s)he can only uses her/his assigned database only, and of course unable to see and/or access the others' databases.. BTW, this is production type which is not fully supported here.


Have fun

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Post Edited (01-02-07 19:36)

Have fun,

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: Shawn (
Date: January 02, 2007 07:48PM

Thanks for your help.

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: AlexH (
Date: January 03, 2007 11:52PM

There is a very simple way to enable access to phpMyAdmin from another IP if you *really* need to, although if you do I advise, as 'yfastud' has referred to, setting your Authentication type in the config files to either COOKIE or HTTP, as if left as 'ROOT', anyone will be able to access the database.

Anywho, the way to do it is to go into the Apache Config files (normally C:\wamp\Apache2\conf\) and edit the config for phpmyadmin (stored under the alias directory).
Open up the phpmyadmin.conf file in notepad and change the following:
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

If you only want to enable access from certain IPs...
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from ww.xx.yy.zz

If you want to allow access from any IP...
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Hope this helps :-)

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Re: permission denied
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: January 04, 2007 04:33AM

Remember, most people have dynamic ip and yours would become somebody else's ip at any time, so think TWICE before trying.

Have fun

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[] (testing PostNuke 0.800-MS2)
[] (testing phpNuke Evolution 2.0.1)

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