Posted by: DahWanCG (
Date: December 28, 2006 11:50AM

I yust got wamp installed on windows vista. It worked great until i created a new user with all privileges. I took the "root" user and took away all privileges. now, i remember the username and password to the new user, but i have no idea how to logg in with it.

Can you help me?

Re: Users
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 28, 2006 04:18PM

what happen when you access through this?


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Post Edited (12-28-06 16:27)

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Re: Users
Posted by: DahWanCG (
Date: December 28, 2006 09:55PM

when i go to phpmyadmin i get acces denied for creating tables and such.

Dont bother me

Re: Users
Posted by: DahWanCG (
Date: December 29, 2006 10:52PM

Well, can anyone help me?

PS- the "dont bother me" is yust my signature tongue sticking out smiley"

help please

Dont bother me

Re: Users
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 29, 2006 11:28PM

very sad to say that you should back up all data and perform uninstall and reinstall wamp.

Have fun

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Re: Users
Posted by: hockey97 (
Date: December 30, 2006 12:58AM


Hi I was woundering how did you get your domain names??? did you pay a service or did you set it up by yourself???

I am trying to make my own domain name, and I need help but I don't want to buy a service.

Re: Users
Posted by: Rivernet1 (
Date: December 30, 2006 01:13AM


You need to do some research...

1. Pick a name that you want, then do a WHOIS on it, to make sure no one else already has it.

2. Go to any domain registration site and get it. (Something good like or are my favorite two.

3. Follow their instructions on how to setup your account and DNS/URL forwarding.

4. Make sure running a server on your provider's system isn't a violation of their Terms of Service.

That's it.

Re: Users
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 30, 2006 01:46AM


Hi I was woundering how did you get your domain names??? did you pay a service or did you set it up by yourself???
Yes, after buying my domain from Yahoo business for $15/5yrs ($3/yr); then, I've set up everything by myself. Starting by setting up every thing separately, then testing wamp package, mail server, ftp server, so on, 1 by 1, until now, I've set up as redundant servers on 3 machines. It's a long story, buddy.

I am trying to make my own domain name, and I need help but I don't want to buy a service.
You should think about it TWICE or more, because you have to spend more of every things such as money, time, effort, so on. Just a simple example: the lowest broadband speed you can find is about $15/mth while you can find a webhost for as low as $5/mth including free domain and other great features as well, and you don't have to worry about setting up dns, vh, redundant servers (to avoid down time), so on.
Anyway, if you're still interested, you might check this in my web site which is in progress now


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[] (testing phpNuke Platinum 7.6.b.4v2)
[] (testing PostNuke 0.800-MS2)
[] (testing phpNuke Evolution 2.0.1)

Post Edited (12-30-06 01:48)

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