First of all, very much compliments 4 thiz amazing app!
I've installed the ACTIVESTATE PERL ADD-ON to run this IRC Bot, [
www.macurious.com] but...
1) The server don't recognize the cgi-bin dir;
2) It's impossible to launch the .cgi main file;
3) In the Apache modules I can't see something about Perl module, to enable or disable it;
4) In the work directory (In this case C:\Programmi\Wamp\) after the instllation of the add-on now I've an Apache dir (Created by the Add-On) and an Apache2 dir (Originally created by the main install app).
I've also changed at the top of the main file the Perl location as shown in this topic [
forum.wampserver.com] but, as I've told, it's impossible to recognize the cgi-bin directory (http://locahost/cgi-bin/)...
Thank U very much for the support