Executing PHP crashes Apache
Posted by: wjmilgy (---.webport.bt.net)
Date: November 27, 2006 11:01PM

I have installed WAMP 1.6.6 and everything seemed to get installed correctly. The localhost page is displayed correctly and any other HTML pages work fine.

When I try to view a PHP page I get the following error message

Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

This happens with all php pages that I try to load - even

<?php phpinfo() ?>

causes my apache to fail.

I have to restart all services to get Apache running again.

I am running on Windows XP Home SP2.

Can anyone help please?????????

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Re: Executing PHP crashes Apache
Posted by: yfastud (---.cable.mindspring.com)
Date: November 28, 2006 12:30AM

some people reported that it's a bug in php5.2.0 which comes w/ wamp1.6.6, so suggest that uninstall and reinstall w/ 1.6.5 which i'm using w/o any problem as seen here


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Re: Executing PHP crashes Apache
Posted by: marc (---.mus.estpak.ee)
Date: November 29, 2006 09:19PM

I have similar problem, html works, also simple php scripts like 'echo "Hello world"'
But i afraid that in my windows system have some old files for php4 , what crash php5.

More details: [forum.wampserver.com]

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Re: Executing PHP crashes Apache
Posted by: Mark Jones (---.buckeyecom.net)
Date: November 30, 2006 06:50AM

For what it's worth, I installed WAMP 1.6.6 and it worked straight out of the box. Well okay, I did mangle the root password within the first five minutes, but that's been fixed. :-)

AMD XP 2500+, 1GB Ram, XP Pro SP2, Outpost Pro Firewall, AVG Antivirus, etc.

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