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Re: Apache stopped working
Posted by: binaryspiral (
Date: November 25, 2006 07:41PM

Cyber, I wanted to make it a point that there may be an issue with the software and that blaming the end user for its failure isn't supportive.

I did sincerely thank you for the help, you found the root cause of the issue where the httpd.conf file had the mod_alias line commented out, this got the software back up and running. However I did not do this - so I would guess it was the software or some mysterious gremlin.

As for berating you... well, you take it how you want - I was simply stating that you shouldn't blame the end users for problems we find. Especially if we specifically state how we reproduced this problem. That information could be used to try and duplicate the problem or ask us for further information about our specific installation / setup so that we can eliminate a possible bug.

Feel free to black list me I probably won't ask for help again for fear of being blamed for my own problems. :-(

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Re: Apache stopped working
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: November 25, 2006 09:01PM

OK, guys. It seems a little too hot here.

To me, I look at it at a different angle because some people reported that they had the problem w/ downloading from sourcefogre recently, so it might be the problem from the downloaded softs.

To be honest, I've installed wampserver w/ add-on such as ftp sever, forum, even mail server in more than 50 machines for family, friends, co-workers, so on w/ different brands, even no brand computers, and until now they're still using them w/o any problem what so ever, as you can see mine here:

[] (sample for people have problem w/ flash)
[] (sample for people have problem w/ images)

So you guy want to try those soft that I've used, check this post for the link:


Hope this help

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