phpmyadmin connection not available for checking mysql version
Posted by: Prima (
Date: November 10, 2006 03:25PM

i have this problem:

on my page [localhost] , it displays the page normaly but to check the MYSQL version it says : phpmyadmin connection not available

and in my phpmyadmin, i can not create a new user or edit the 'root' user.

I have the newest pack of wamp, and i instaled php5.2 , and the newest version of mysql server, but i am using the ones in wamp.

Re: phpmyadmin connection not available for checking mysql version
Posted by: Prima (
Date: November 10, 2006 03:27PM

.....and none of the themes in phpmyadmin is working .....

Re: phpmyadmin connection not available for checking mysql version
Posted by: CyberSpatium (71.237.217.---)
Date: November 10, 2006 08:17PM

you cannot have two versions of apache and mysql running at the same time. you need to delete wamp, the apache and mysql you installed, then restart you computer, the install wamp only. after install, start wamp and everything should work.

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