Installing wamp5, MySQL problems
Posted by: Woody (
Date: November 09, 2006 07:35AM

Hi I have installed wamp5, php is enabled,... but MySQL and SQLitemanager does not seem to work.

I get the error message:
phpMyAdmin - Error

Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration. - Documentation

If u read the documentation it says:.....


1.20 I receive the error "cannot load MySQL extension, please check PHP Configuration".

To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called "MySQL extension". This extension may be part of the PHP distribution (compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically. Its name is probably or php_mysql.dll. phpMyAdmin tried to load the extension but failed.

Usually, the problem is solved by installing a software package called "PHP-MySQL" or something similar.


This package "PHP-MySQL" what is that? Where do I find that?

Also to give you further information I have an MSSQL-server installed already( I have disabled the 2 services: MSSQLSERVER and MSSQLServerAdHelper in the service manager (This right, enough?)).

Could the MSSQL-server be presenting problems for the MySQL-server?

Does anybody have any ideas of what I am supposed to do?

If possible I would like to keep both services installed on my computer (MySQL and MSSQL) if there isnt an easy way of using MSSQL as a substitute for MySQL...

Please help me, I´d really appreciate it.


Follow your heart and your heart will guide you through

Re: Installing wamp5, MySQL problems
Posted by: Woody (
Date: November 09, 2006 09:21AM

Hi people, nevermind this I solved the problem.

My problem wasn't the MSSQL-server, it was the path variable.

I had previously installed php-support, so know the php.ini was reading from an old location... a map which I had forgotten to erase.(actually I had 2 different paths to 2 different php-folders!)

I guess that the installation program for wamp5, and the application when its started only points to where the php.ini file is located ...which would be in wamp/php folder.. so that is what is displayed when using the graphical interface (guessing here though smiling smiley)

and the "real" php.ini was really not configured to handle MySQL and so forth.

So if somebody have the same problem as me... check for old versions of php, apache etc... and clean those up it might help. winking smiley


Follow your heart and your heart will guide you through

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