Error with local host
Posted by: Lukosanthropos (
Date: November 01, 2006 06:49AM

Hey Guys,
I just banged a fresh install of Wamp on my laptop, installed with no problems, however when trying to access localhost or through a browser, it attempts to load, takes forever then eventually just gives up, I have checked that nothing else is using port 80 (both with the tool Wamp uses and the "netstat -an" command).

Inspite of it saying nothing was using the port when I stop apache, I have edited my httpd.conf file so that it trys to access port 8080 but still nothing

Any ideas??

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Re: Error with local host
Posted by: CyberSpatium (71.237.217.---)
Date: November 01, 2006 09:15PM

did you restart apache after editing your httpd.conf file? your new settings will not take effect until you restart.

do you have skype installed? also make sure your server is in offline mode

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Re: Error with local host
Posted by: logisch (
Date: November 02, 2006 11:45AM

i suppose after your change trying to use [] did not succeed.

any anti virus software on the box that prevents unknown servers to launch?

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