Posted by:
Serving the King
Date: October 01, 2006 04:51AM
Rather than reinstall it, try doing an upgrade.
But if you really want to reinstall it, I'd download the MySQL and install it where you currently have it with an overwrite command.
Before you do that, though, have you tried to undo the changes you made? Also check your privilges to make sure they're set correctly.
As a suggestion for you, before you make any changes to your db make a full backup of the current db, including all data. Save it as a "Replace" command if you can, or "Insert". Then when you run into this problem drop the tables and upload the old db to the SQL and it will bring everything back to where it was before the changes are made.
I changed my password, everything was ok until I rebooted, then I got the dreaded 1130 error. re-installed wamp. my database is gone, but at least I can get in again.