PHP does not run
Posted by: spongebue (144.13.51.---)
Date: September 27, 2006 08:02PM

Hi all,

I have WAMP5 version 1.6.4 installed on my computer, and it is not processing PHP scripts. I do not remember changing any settings. (I installed WAMP a few weeks ago, and didn't really use it until today) The WAMP tray icon says that all systems are running fine, and the PHP5 module in Apache is checked. When I load the page, it is as if I didn't even have PHP installed.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: Uricta-Wave (
Date: September 27, 2006 08:30PM

Are you trying to run the php scripts on localhost? try opening the file in a browser without doing it through the server i.e.........


if not try getting a friend to check from an outside internet connection. Im thinking that it might be because php is a client-server language, and so if your using your server to try to process the code you may need to actually view it from a client.


<img src="[]; alt="car" width="99" height="80" />

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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: spongebue (144.13.229.---)
Date: September 27, 2006 09:36PM

That tried to get me to download the php file. I don't think it's an issue of running from localhost, since I did the same thing back when I used MAMP (well, I think I used, but that's basically the same thing... and has the same results on this computer)

Thanks for the reply, though smiling smiley

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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.189.46.---)
Date: September 27, 2006 09:44PM

put all your website files (html, css, php, images, etc) in your c:\wamp\www folder. then open your web browser, and surf to [localhost]

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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: spongebue (144.13.229.---)
Date: September 27, 2006 10:46PM

yep, that's how it is already... what's really funny, PHPMyAdmin works fine. I tried putting my project's folder into PMA's folder, and it still didn't work

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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: September 28, 2006 04:01AM

put all your project folders in your c:\wamp\www directory. for example if one of your project directories is named testing123 and has a file in it called something.php, you access it with your web browser like this


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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: spongebue (144.13.229.---)
Date: September 28, 2006 04:23AM

That's how it was originally, and still is (I just put a copy in there to test). It gets to the files just fine, they just aren't processed by PHP.

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Re: PHP does not run
Posted by: reyres (
Date: October 15, 2006 11:27PM

Were you able to resolve this problem?
I've got exactly the same issue and can't find the reason why the php files are no running on the server but being passed to the browser.



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